Wisdom, the Power of Change

We all need wisdom!

Is wisdom something that we just naturally get because we have grown older?  Is experience what wisdom is based on? 

God is the author and creator of Wisdom.  He gives it away!

Prov. 8:22-31. 

 Wisdom for the Woman of God

The Apostle James was very concerned about the children of God becoming fully mature and effective as new creations, the spiritual offspring of the Holy One. He told them to find joy, to grow in faith and in perseverance and to find complete maturity in the spirit, lacking nothing. We know these amazing attributes require a bit of time, especially perseverance and maturity. But then after saying they should lack nothing, he says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.  But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord” (James 1:5-7).

Wisdom is much more than the accumulation of knowledge. Wisdom is also defined as “the ability to discern inner qualities and relationships: insight” (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary). It is often referred to as “good sense” or “good judgment.” Wisdom is able to take facts, intuition, observation and spiritual insight, put them all together and come to a realization that is the best overall solution to a problem. Wise women can rule in their domains with understanding, calm and decisiveness.

The best thing any woman can do is to ask God for wisdom. James says that God gives wisdom generously to all, without finding fault. He doesn’t look at our lack of wisdom as a fault. But it would be foolish not to ask the all-Wise God for wisdom when the word says he gives it generously to all who ask. Ask daily for wisdom and receive it with expectation. We need this ability to look beyond facts to motivations, beyond observable behaviors to spiritual insight. I believe that God is even more willing in this day to pour out wisdom upon people. He is not willing that any should perish and especially from lack of wisdom. God gives wisdom to those who ask, so that man can find life and obtain favor from the Lord. 

God is the author of Wisdom.  He created Wisdom.  Prov. 8:22-31.  “The Lord brought me forth as the first of his works, before his deeds of old; I was appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began…Then I was the craftsman at his side. I was filled with with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence, rejoicing in his whole world and delighting in mankind.” What a special creation Wisdom is. Throughout the book of Proverbs, Wisdom is personified as a woman of skill and character. She is the direct opposite of Folly.

Proverbs presents Wisdom as a woman, who builds her house, prepares food, sets the table, calls the strangers to come in.   She encourages them to eat, drink and live in the way of understanding.  Principles of moral truth underpin all human relationships, just as the laws of physics and biology underpin the natural world.  These principles are spiritual laws that deal with spiritual beings – humans.  Humans are subject to the physical laws, but we are also subject to the spiritual laws and require wisdom to act with understanding.  Humans without wisdom have a very hard time with normal and healthy living.

Humans are subject to the physical laws, but are also subject to spiritual laws and require wisdom to act with understanding. 

What are some spiritual laws?  “Generosity.”  “You reap what you sow.”  “Stay away from evil.” “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.”  “Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it with your might.”

These are all spiritual wisdom. They require a spiritual mind to fully comprehend. They also are ways to prove the worth of God’s ways.

People in authority do powerful things.  Some do evil and know that they are doing evil.  They are not ignorant.  Some are unaware, ignorant of what is good and what is evil, so they fall into the trap. 

For example, abortion kills human babies.  Every year in the United States, 345,000 babies are killed by abortion.  Since the acceptance of Roe vs. Wade there have been 63,590,902 abortions in the United States.  In the world, there have been 32,000,000 abortions since January 2021. 

It is not wise to kill off the next generation.  It is not good for the parents who make the decision, the community around them, the state they live in or the nation. God says of these little ones “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.”  Psalm 127:3.  The mothers who have their children stripped from them are in a traumatic situation and need protection and help.

Abortion is an example of people doing evil, thinking it is good.  This is a place where wisdom has been forgotten. 

Wisdom is a choice.  We can ask for it.  It determines our choices.  What do we choose on a daily basis?  We choose what we listen to,  who we listen to.  We choose what and who we watch or seek to emulate.  We choose what we eat, how we dress, how we spend our time.  We choose what we read and what we allow into our minds. 

Do we use wisdom in all these choices? Do we choose things that will educate our minds, edify our spirits, and encourage other people?  Do we listen for the voice of the Lord on actions we are deciding?  Do we just assume that we are wise, since we have experience? 

The times we live in are crucial.  This is the most momentous of times.  In all our actions and in all our choices, I pray we will choose the thing that God would have us do.  Do not make hasty choices.  Do not just trust someone because you have trusted him or her before.  I question doctors, teachers, lawyers, ministers all the time.  I have been lied to before.  They often speak with authority on things they have not fully investigated.  The news media speaks a narrative they have been fed from the government or their company CEO, not necessarily the truth. You have to seek out information from people who have thoroughly investigated things.  That is why there are new social media sites and new news channels.  People are tired of being fed things that do not make sense.  Do your own research.  Do not just take a medical test or treatment because a doctor recommends it.  Find out about it before you decide.  You have access to lots of information.  If a medicine is prescribed, what are the side effects?  Is this treatment the best thing for my body? Will my body heal itself if encouraged to do so? These are important personal decisions that require personal wisdom as well as the collective gathering of wisdom from others.

These things are all aspects of wisdom.  Wisdom does not bring harm to the family of God. It protects those who are vulnerable and it builds up the community. Wisdom focuses on truth and on the will of God.

 “Wisdom is the body of creation principles.  These principles are personified as a woman because wisdom takes feminine roles toward God and toward humanity.  Lady Wisdom is the helper, companion, and glorifier of God; she is the reprove, teacher, and the counsellor of men.  Human wisdom is skill and insight rooted in the fear of the Lord.  The wisdom aspect of femininity is fundamental to a woman’s maturity.  Only through reverence for God, skill, and insight, will she attain the inner strength and respect befitting her as a woman in God’s image.  In the feminine roles of wisdom, women guard and keep their own souls, their communities and civilization itself.”

Wisdom as a woman of strength, character and godliness. The woman of wisdom is a natural leader of the future.